Thursday, December 1, 2011

Immortal Rider by Larrisa Ione

All I can say dear friends is hang on for the ride. Reading this book is sort of like going through the apocalypse. This book is a "metric fucking ton of trouble." Yep that's a direct quote from the book, and I've spent all day trying to use it in a sentence. It's my new go to line. Anyway, Larrisa Ione your mind truly scares me. Just when I thought it was over there was nothing else you could do to make cry, scream, or have a hot flash you zinged another at me.

At this point I should give a synopsis of the book and tell you a little about the plot. I dare not go there. The description on the back can not begin to cover the emotional roller coaster ride that is this book. Just when I knew HELL was breaking loose and blood was going to spill she had me laughing. Seriously, what late night bender was she on when she decided to have a half demon/half vampire refer to the mighty FOUR HORSEMEN of the APOCALYPSE, who are both fear and revered, with "Yo, Horsepeople" I had to put the book down to laugh. There is a lot of playful and witty banter that will only come across if you are invested in these series. Honestly if you are not 6 books into her series you have a lot of catching up to do. So start reading and when you get here you will love the characters as much as I do.

I think humor was the appeal of the book. Although there was a lot of violence and battle and torture that had me pacing the floor, the humor was a shining light that eased the horror. My best friend is also reading this book and she hasn't finished it yet, so I blew up her facebook mail with all the one liners. She can't read it quite as fast because she has to "work" or something. Who does that when there is a book this funny, sexy, sweet, and hard core to read?

She made some killer pop culture references such as: Lady GaGa's meat dress, 2 5000 year old virgins,  a nod to The Lord of the Rings, My Little Pony and even an Alice's restaurant reference. I'm not too proud to say when Thanatos was wanting to kill, kill, kill, I started jumping up and down yelling kill kill. And we were both jumping up and down yelling kill, kill, kill. But I digress. Also someone got a "stick-up-the-butt-ectomy". How can you not read it just for that? Although she never found a place for "asshat" I have hopes for her future books.

PS I hope you don't read this and think I'm "ceiling-licking, rabies-frothing, dish-ran-away-with-the-spoon in-fucking-sane." She doesn't promise that until the next book.

Author's Website


  1. I love this review!! I just started it tonight, I am so excited to get in to it now!

  2. Thank you Larissa Ione. I stand corrected Asshat is on page 2.

  3. Pamela I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

  4. OMG I love your review. I can't wait to read this book. I am hoping to get it for Christmas. My daughter told me I am not allowed to buy books until after Christmas....Pooh on her...LOL

  5. You must inform her that you MUST have this book the fate of the world rest on you reading this.

  6. Uh oh...Im' in trouble *waits for "Hell to break loose on me"* i have yet to start any of Larissa's books. Give a PNR newbie a bit of time to get into the swing of things and get to those series which many are chiming about. *grins* I will at some near future point, but your fun in your face style is awesome! I love how you describe it! Thanks for sharing with us!


  7. OK, the only bad part about sharing all these great reviews is the fact that it just keeps adding to my growing heap of TBR books. Wait, is that really a problem? I'm adding this to the list. I LOVE books that make me laugh out loud, especially when it is unexpected. Of course, my family now thinks I'm nuts, but they'll just have to deal. Thanks for the great review!

  8. I laughed, I cried, I sobbed, I threw the book and loved every minute of the book!!! The only thing which could have possibly made the story better ---- would have been if Thanatos' book was ready to read!!

  9. Fun review! So passionate and hilarious! Sounds like the book rubbed off on you. I don't know if I can go through 5 before getting to this one for the great laugh maybe I'll just jump into this one, some day. --Thanks for the smile. :)
    --btw, I love your blog title and header pic!! --New follower.

  10. Great review.... I feel like I am reading right along side of you! Yes... It was a great emotional ride and SO MUCH FUN! I *heart* these books! Thanks for the review!

  11. I haven't read this series but have them on my TBR pile. You've made me push them up the list. Seriously... a "stick-up-the-butt-ectomy"?? I must know more. *laughing*

    Great, fun review!

  12. I have been curious about Larissa's books for a while now. But like Creative up there, the list just keeps growing of books I want to read. Reviews like this one are infectious - and with this style everyone who reads it is damn-near guaranteed to rush out and get it. Like Lou, I have bumped it up a bit, but will have to have some time. I did not realize that this series was so far progressed already. I most definitely have a lot of catching up to do! *nods*
    Kendra @ Reader's Edyn

  13. @Kendra, You could technically start this book with Eternal Rider, but if you haven't read Demonica there are some characters you will not get or references you will not understand. But all of the books in the series are good.
